Of course, we all want a pleasant and safe neighbourhood. The more members the stronger our voice to represent and defend our goals. With your contribution you support various activities in the neighbourhood and we can optionally start legal actions. So join us and become a member!
‘Eat to Meet Meerhoven’
Saturday 15 February 2025, Residents' Association Meerhoven is organising ‘Eat to Meet [...]
Eindhoven council puts research into added value of Airport on hold: ‘Meaningful, but not now’
Although a majority of the Eindhoven city council would like to have [...]
Plan to close Eindhoven Airport keeps critics busy, neighbours are amazed by a look behind the scenes
It was an absurd idea, but it is still being discussed: closing [...]
Fri 21 Feb 2025 10:15 - 11:15 hours Fri 21 Feb 2025 13:30 - 16:00 hours Fri 7 Mar 2025 13:30 - 16:00 hours Fri 21 Mar 2025 10:15 - 11:15 hoursCoffee and more
Meerhoven Coffee Meet-Up
Meerhoven Coffee Meet-Up
Coffee and more
Meerhoven has a covering AED network. This means that people with a cardiac arrest can be resuscitated within six minutes by volunteers. Help keep Meerhoven heart-safe by signing up as a civilian aid worker. The training as a civilian aid worker takes one evening. You will learn how to resuscitate a victim with cardiac arrest and how to operate the AED.
Meerhoven has its own app: the MeerhovenApp. Via this app you always stay up to date with the latest news in the Meerhoven district of Eindhoven.
Meerhoven shopping center has three large supermarkets: Jumbo, Albert Heijn and Lidl. You will also find a florist, a cafeteria and various other stores.
At the Health Center Meerhoven a team of health care professionals is ready to inform and advise you about health and well-being. But also various residents of the neighborhood are active to provide fellow residents with good care.
Would you like to discuss current topics with local residents? Or do you just want to get to know other Meerhoven residents better? Sign up for ‘Meerhoven Ontmoet Elkaar’, the Meerhoven Facebook page.
Op zoek naar een leuke sport of andere vrijetijdsbesteding? In Meerhoven heb je keuze uit diverse sportverenigingen en activiteitenclubs. Zo leer je bovendien je buurtgenoten beter kennen!
Meerhoven has two primary schools with locations in Grasrijk, Meerrijk and Waterrijk. In addition, in and around Meerhoven you will find various playgroups and facilities for childcare.