ASML has permits for temporary parking spaces withdrawn
In late 2019, ASML applied for permits for 1,000 parking spaces at industrial park Habraken in Veldhoven and 1,600 at Park Forum in Eindhoven. For the site at the P+R Meerhoven, the company already had a permit for 800 spaces at the time. In any case, ASML had the permits for Park Forum and at P+R Meerhoven withdrawn.
These were permits for up to ten years. From three parking lots, buses with ASML employees would commute to the company complex on De Run. In this way ASML wanted to counteract the increasing traffic on De Run and Kempenbaan. It is possible that the current developments around corona and home working have made the company change its mind.
Park Forum
Residents’ Association Meerhoven had objected pro forma at the end of 2019 to the temporary parking lot for 1600 cars at Park Forum in Meerhoven. Not because the association was against the parking lot in advance, but because the municipality had granted the permit without consulting the association and did not make the documents on which the decision was based available in time. Since the period for objection had expired, the association had no choice but to object pro forma so as not to forfeit its rights.
Traffic study
Afterwards it turned out that the traffic flow on Park Forum still had to be investigated further. In mid-April 2021 the municipality declared the pro forma objection inadmissible because ASML no longer needed the permit. The results of the traffic study were never made public.
Photo: Meerhoven over 10 years ago with the location of the parking lot for 1600 cars planned in 2019 in the lower left.