September 27, 2023|
  • Nederlands

Atelier Route Eindhoven through Meerhoven

In the first weekend of October, the annual Atelierroute Eindhoven and region is organized. The chance to take a look in the studios of artists and meet them. This year, the route also runs through Meerhoven.

The Atelier Route Eindhoven and region is organized by MAD emergent art center. This time there is extra attention for international artists who are based or temporarily reside in Eindhoven and surroundings. Also, photography, digital art and urban art are extra in the spotlight.

Locations and times
On the website you will find all participating artists, in alphabetical order but also by neighbourhood. Make a selection of your preferences and start your voyage of discovery. In Meerhoven, Atelier Jeanneh at the Grasplantsoen 39 participates. All participating studios can be visited for free on Saturday September 30 and Sunday October 1, 2023 from 11 am to 5 pm.

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