November 3, 2018|
  • Nederlands

Autumn walks from Buurthuis Meerhoven

Also in the month of November Eindhoven Sport organizes autumn walks from Buurthuis Meerhoven.

Few activities are as relaxing as a nice (forest) walk. Walking is super healthy, you have little chance of injuries and it is a good time to chat with neighbours, friends or other residents in the neighbourhood. In addition, it is a panacea against stress, insomnia and depressive feelings. Research shows that (forest) walks provide an enormous increase in positive feelings, energy and creativity.

Dates and times
Autumn walks take place on Monday 5 and 12 November and Thursday 8 and 15 November. Collect at 9.30 at Buurthuis Meerhoven, Het Schaapsdijk 109 in Meerhoven. Everyone is welcome. The distance of each walk is 3 to 5 kilometers. The costs are 1 euro per time (including one cup of coffee/tea).

More information
or more information please contact sports director Jasper van Hoof o 06 11 903 846 or

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