• Nederlands

Christmas celebration at Eindhoven Air Base

Traditionally, Eindhoven military airbase opens the doors of the passenger terminal on 24 December for the annual Christmas night celebration for local residents.

The Strijps chamber choir from Eindhoven, led by Wilko Brouwers, provides vocal support. The musical support is provided by the occasional orchestra under the direction of Tristan de Groot. The doors of the passenger terminal open at 7 pm. The celebration starts at 8 pm. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. Afterwards there is an opportunity to talk while enjoying a cup of coffee with something tasty.

Sign up
Go to hweb2print.opmeerbv.nl/kerstvliegbasis. Enter the details here and click on ‘aanmelden kerstviering’ (‘sign up Christmas celebration’). You can register at the latest until Monday, December 24 at noon.

Drive by car via the Eindhoven N2 ring road, exit 29, in the direction of Eindhoven Airport. Follow the signs ‘Royal Netherlands Air Force’ after the exit. Note: keep right on white concrete blocks. The address of the military airbase Eindhoven is Flight Forum 1550. Drive the white plane to the right and drive the road to the parking lot. At Eindhoven Air Base, visitors must be able to show a valid ID.

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