April 12, 2020|
  • Nederlands

Cows in Park Meerland

In the summer of 2019, a lot of concern arose in the Meerhoven district about the welfare of the red/black-and-white cows in Park Meerland: too hot, no shade, too cold, too wet, too much wind, poisonous plants, no water available, etc. Park Meerland Foundation now has a solution: red cows.

The owner of the red/black-and-white cows removed the animals from the park last year after a short stay. On the one hand, the frequent phone calls and emails from concerned residents were to blame for this. On the other hand, the grass in the meadows was not nutritious enough for this breed of cattle and they had to be fed daily. The owner then decided to stop making the animals available for the park.

Red cows 
Earlier this year, Park Meerland Foundation found a farmer willing to let his red cattle graze in the meadows. “This typical Dutch strong variety is extremely suitable for natural grazing, as is the case in Park Meerland. The Dutch summer does not bother them at all,” said the foundation. In consultation with the foundation, municipality and Residents’ Association Meerhoven, it was decided to bring these cattle to Meerhoven.

In the coming weeks, the gates of the meadows will be restored by the municipality and the fence will be made suitable so that calves can also come along with the dams. A sign is also placed with information about the cattle. The municipality and the farmer have signed a one-year agreement.

More information
Any questions and comments can be addressed to the Park Meerland Foundation via mail@parkmeerland.nl. For more information visit the website of the Park Meerland Foundation (in Dutch).

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