• Nederlands

CPR courses for a heart-safe Meerhoven

This fall, the Meerhoven Heart Safe committee of the Residents’ Association Meerhoven is once again organizing starter and refresher courses in CPR. The courses will take place in De Hangar in Meerhoven.

Meerhoven has a comprehensive AED network and a large number of civilian aid workers. If someone in Meerhoven suffers a heart attack, there is always an AED and a civilian aid worker nearby to provide immediate assistance. Of course, we must ensure that there are sufficient people who can operate the AEDs and resuscitate victims of cardiac arrest in the coming years. That is why, with the help of the Residents’ Association Meerhoven , CPR courses are organized for civilian aid workers every spring and fall.

Starter course
Are you interested in becoming a civilian aid worker and following a training course? Then register for the starter course on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 from 7 to 10 pm. Location: De Hangar, Meerbos 4 in Eindhoven. You can register via the online registration form of trainer FACTS, with whom the Meerhoven Heart Safe committee collaborates. If you experience problems with the registration or have any questions, please send an email to hartveilig@meerhoven.nl. Do the same if you want to participate but are unable to attend on November 5. The course can also be followed by English speakers.

Refresher course
Local residents who have previously followed a course via Meerhoven Heart Safe are directly invited to participate in the refresher course.

After completing the course, you will receive a certificate and an invoice from the training agency. The costs are € 35.50 and the invoice should be paid directly to the trainer. You can usually submit the invoice to your own health insurer. If the insurer does not reimburse and you do register as a civilian aid worker with HartslagNu, you can submit the costs to the Meerhoven Heart Safe committee.

More information
For more information about Meerhoven Heart Safe, visit www.meerhoven.nl/hartveilig.

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