June 2, 2021|
  • Nederlands

Cycle a Round North-West

This spring the municipality of Eindhoven put out the ‘Rondje Noordwest’ (Round North-West). This 17-kilometre cycle route takes you past all kinds of interesting places in Eindhoven North-West. The route is signposted.

Eindhoven North-West is the green connection between the city and the countryside and covers more than 1630 hectares. Besides economic areas such as Eindhoven Airport, Brainport Industries Campus and the Goods Distribution Center Acht, the green wooded area between Anthony Fokkerweg and Elburglaan is also part of Eindhoven North-West. You will find special locations here, such as the Philips Fruit Garden, De Herdgang (PSV) and  De Wielewaal country estate founded by the Philips family.

Cycle tour
The route is marked with signs. At the locations, there are also signs with more information about the place. Some signs also have a QR code. If you scan this with your phone, you will find even more information about the place. See map below for the Round Northwest.

Click on the map to enlarge it.

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