March 18, 2024|
  • Nederlands

Demonstration Extinction Rebellion at Eindhoven Airport

Saturday, March 23, 2o24 at 12 noon, the action group Extinction Rebellion will demonstrate at Eindhoven Airport. Music and speakers alternate in a diverse family-friendly program.

The airport recently announced that it will reduce the number of flights to and from Eindhoven Airport from 41,500 to 40,500 per year from 2026. According to Extinction Rebellion, a reduction of just 1,000 flights is a drop in the ocean. To really improve the airport’s effect on the health of local residents and do justice to the current climate crisis, Extinction Rebellion is demanding a halving of the annual number of flights.

Private jets and kerosene
In addition, Extinction Rebellion is demanding that the airport immediately stop flights by private jet. The CO2 emissions from private jets are large. People traveling by private jet make up 1% of the world’s population and cause 50% of global aviation emissions. Eindhoven Airport also recognizes that private jets are polluting. That is why they recently announced that they would ban private jets, but only from 2026. According to Extinction Rebellion, that is not fast enough. The action group also demands that the EU and the government levy taxes on kerosene. Kerosene is currently not taxed. This means that it is financially more attractive to take the plane to Barcelona than the train, while the train emits much less CO2 than the plane.

To reinforce the demands, Extinction Rebellion is organizing a demonstration in front of the terminal of Eindhoven Airport on Saturday, March 23, 2024 from 12 noon to 1.30 pm. Music and speakers alternate in a diverse family-friendly program. Anyone who wants to participate in the demonstration is welcome. Registration is not necessary.

More information
For more information, visit the Extinction Rebellion website.

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