April 21, 2024|
  • Nederlands

Did you also feel the ground shaking?’ Heavy WWII aircraft bomb detonated at Eindhoven Air Base

‘Was there just an earthquake in Eindhoven?’ A shock wave was felt as far away as Meerhoven on Saturday, April 20, 2024. The culprit: an aircraft bomb from the Second World War was detonated at Eindhoven Air Base. Residents in the area wondered on Saturday whether there had been an earthquake. There were many reactions to this on social media.

The explosion that accompanied the explosion of the so-called thousand-pounder could be heard far and wide and could even be felt in certain places, such as in Meerhoven. Before the bomb was detonated, a large pile of sand was thrown over it. The cull was planned in advance.

According to a spokesperson for the Defense Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), there may be more bombs on the air base grounds. The airport was in the hands of the Germans during the Second World War and was bombed by both the Germans and the Allies during the war. Many duds were also found in the ground during the construction of Meerhoven. The EOD will continue the search for any other bombs on Sunday. The EOD receives approximately 2,500 reports nationally per year of explosives that need to be cleared, from hand grenades to aircraft bombs.

Source: Ed.nl. Photo: Eindhoven Airbase.

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