February 12, 2018|
  • Nederlands

Dutch language courses for Internationals in Meerhoven

international-1751293_960_720February 2018 the Meerhoven Internationals Platform (MIP) starts five Dutch language courses for Internationals living in Meerhoven.

Congli Dong, coordinator of the MIP: “Meerhoven is the place to be for internationals because it has excellent facilities and is close to Brainport Region Eindhoven. Many internationals plan to live in Meerhoven for more than ten years. With the Dutch language courses we offer Internationals an opportunity to better integrate in the community and to get to know each other better.”

The courses start in the week of February 19, 2018 at two locations in Meerhoven: Basisschool ‘t Slingertouw, Grasland 1 and Basisschool De Startbaan, Meerbos 16. The beginners and the intermediate courses involve 40 teaching hours and end in the week of June 25, 2018. The tuition fee is 230 euro. The advanced course involves 24 teaching hours and costs 138 euros. For more details, please check the course schedule below. There will be no lessons during public and school holidays. Books are not included and have to be purchased separately.

Internationals who would like to participate in one of the Dutch language courses are kindly asked to register by sending an e-mail to internationals@meerhoven.nl and to transfer the tuition fee to bank account (IBAN number) NL05 RABO 0198 2958 04 of Bewonersvereniging Grasrijk (Grasrijk Residents’ Association) before February 19, 2018.

The MIP supports internationals living in (or moving to) Meerhoven to socialize and integrate in Meerhoven. Visit the website www.meerhoven-internationals.nl and subscribe to the mailing list of the MIP to receive news and information about activities and practical topics in Meerhoven. The MIP is also active on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/meerhoveninternationals.

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