February 12, 2022|
  • Nederlands

Dutch language courses for Internationals in Meerhoven

international-1751293_960_720In March 2022, the Meerhoven Internationals Platform will start four Dutch language courses for internationals in Meerhoven.

The Meerhoven Internationals Platform was founded in 2014 by residents’ associations in Meerhoven, now united in Residents’ Association Meerhoven. Diana Angelova, coordinator of the platform: “Many internationals plan to live in Meerhoven for more than ten years. With the Dutch language courses, we offer internationals an opportunity to better integrate into the community and get to know each other better.”

The courses start in the week of March 7, 2022 and are given by professional Dutch teachers. There are courses at different levels, ranging from beginners to advanced. Each course consists of 32 hours of teaching and a maximum of 10 participants. The costs are 224 euro per course. Classes end in the week of June 26, 2022. There are no classes during public holidays and school holidays. Books are not included and must be purchased separately.

Registration and payment for the courses is possible until February 20, 2022 via the website www.meerhoven-internationals.nl/dutch-courses. On this site you will also find more information about the content of the courses.

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