Childcare and education

slingertouwPrimary School ‘t Slingertouw
Primary school ‘t Slingertouw is located in Grasrijk and Waterrijk in Meerhoven and is part of the Spilcenters Grasrijk and Waterrijk.

startbaanSaltoschool De Startbaan
Saltoschool De Startbaan is located in Meerrijk in Meerhoven and is part of the Spilcenter Meerrijk.

Kinderplein-GraslandKorein Kinderplein (Grasland)
Childcare and playgroup, part of the Grasrijk Spilcenter, closely associated with primary school ‘t Slingertouw, Zuidzorg, CKE and the library.

Kinderplein-MeerbosKorein Kinderplein (Meerbos)
Childcare and playgroup, part of Spilcenter Meerrijk, closely associated with primary school De Startbaan, Zuidzorg, CKE and the library.

Kinderplein-WaterlinieKorein Kinderplein (Waterlinie)
Childcare and playgroup, part of Spilcenter Waterrijk, closely associated with primary school ‘t Slingertouw, Zuidzorg, CKE and the library.

Kinderplein-MeerwaterKorein Kinderplein (Meerwater)
Childcare and playgroup, part of Spilcenter Meerrijk, closely associated with primary school De Startbaan, Zuidzorg, CKE and the library.

KolkjerondKlokje Rond
Klokje Rond is a professional, medium-sized organization in the field of childcare and offers flexible and 24-hour care.

VillaJipVilla Yip Day Care
Villa Yip Day Care is located in an attractive building in the residential area Zeelst in Veldhoven and offers childcare for children from 0 to 4 years.

despeeldoos-logoDe Speeldoos Childminder Care
The Speeldoos offers children from 0 to 4 years on a small-scale level in a safe and warm environment.

BSO ZandhaaiBSO Zandhaai
Small-scale after-school care for children in groups 1 to 4 of primary school De Startbaan in Meerhoven.

Roodkapje-gastouderbureauChildminder Agency Roodkapje Meerhoven
Professional childminder care with a network of consultants throughout The Netherlands, including Meerhoven.

Sportstuif MeerhovenSportstuif Meerhoven
Sportstuif Meerhoven is a sporty out-of-school care for children from 4 to 12 years old. Sportstuif is located at DBS, Het Schaapsdijk 109 in Eindhoven.

rijksoverheidSchool holidays
The government determines the dates for the summer holidays, the Christmas holidays and a week of the May holiday. The government issues advisory data for other holidays.