• Nederlands

Entrepreneurial Reception Meerhoven

This year Onderneemrijk Meerhoven organizes for the sixth time a reception for entrepreneurs based or living in Meerhoven. Getting acquainted and networking are the focus of this evening

The reception will take place on Friday, January 19 from 8.00 pm at Echt Welschap, Zandkasteel 43 in Eindhoven. Participation costs 12.50 euros per person (including two refreshments), to be paid at entrance. The entrance is free for members of Onderneemrijk Meerhoven. You can register via info@onderneemrijk.nl.

Onderneemrijk Meerhoven wants to bring entrepreneurs from Meerhoven into contact with each other so that they can do business with each other and exchange knowledge and experiences. Since 2015, Ondernemenrijk Meerhoven is officially a foundation

More information
For more information, visit the Facebook page and website of Onderneemrijk Meerhoven.

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