May 28, 2019|
  • Nederlands

Fox hunt for Make a Wish

On Friday evening, June 21, 2019, the Meerhoven24 running team ‘Aquajoggers’ is once again organizing a fox hunt or the charity Make-A-Wish. Parents and children are very welcome.

That evening a number of ‘foxes’ spread through Meerhoven. Children and their parents try to find as many foxes as possible. A fun activity for the whole family. The fox hunt is from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. Collecting is from 6 pm on the large field in park Meerland on the side of Waterrijk.

The total proceeds go to the Make-A-Wish Netherlands foundation. The foundation fulfills more than 500 wishes of children and young people aged between 3 and 18 years with a life-threatening illness every year. For more information, visit (in Dutch).

You can register by submitting a note with the names of the participants and the total registration fee in a closed envelope to the mailbox of Graspol 1 or Waterlinie 455 by 20 June 2019. Volunteers who want to become a ‘fox’ can register via

More information
For more information see

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