Free clinics in Fitness Park Meerhoven
Are you interested in exercising in the outdoor air together with your neighbours? Then sign up now for a free clinic in Fitness Park Meerhoven!
The fitness park is an initiative of residents in Meerhoven and is meant for everyone who enjoys outdoor exercise. It is a unique ‘outdoor sports school’ with equipment. A place that brings people together, where children, youth and elderly can exercise together.
Time and location
The free clinics take place on Sunday September 30, 2018. There are two clinics. The first clinic (in English) is from 2 to 3 pm and is especially aimed at Internationals. The second clinic (in Dutch) is from 3 to 4 pm and is aimed at seniors. Location: Het Schaapsdijk 109 (near the entrance of football club DBS).
Sign Up
Do you want to join? Then register via the online registration form or send an email to
More information
For more information about the Fitness Park Meerhoven, see