• Nederlands

General Meeting Residents’ Association Meerhoven

Monday, April 3, 2023, the General Meeting of Residents’ Association Meerhoven will take place in primary school De Startbaan, starting at 8 pm. Around 9.30 pm the meeting will be concluded with drinks in De Hangar.

Members received an invitation in mid-March. During the meeting, various topics will be discussed, including the proposed police complex Land Forum, developments regarding the winter emergency shelter, Meerhoven Hartveilig and municipal heating.

Not a member yet?
Residents’ Association Meerhoven is for all residents of Meerhoven. The more members, the better the association can represent the neighbourhood. As a member, you help decide on the course the association takes and you support various social activities. The membership costs 5 euros per household a year. For more information, visit www.meerhoven.nl/membership.

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