‘Grand Meerhoven24 Bingo’ for Make-A-Wish
On Saturday, May 26, 2018, Meerhoven24 2Run4Kids running team organizes the ‘Grand Meerhoven24 Bingo’ from 4 pm to 6 pm in De Hangar, Meerbos 4 in Eindhoven.
There are several rounds including a special round for children. Several prizes can be won for each round. Entrance is free. A small fee is requested for the bingo players. The full proceeds go to Make-A-Wish.
Make A Wish
Make-A-Wish Netherlands was founded in 1989 and fulfills more than 500 wishes of children and young people aged between 3 and 18 years with a life-threatening illness every year. For more information, visit www.makeawishnederland.org (in Dutch).