Halloween Meerhoven 2019
At the end of October and the beginning of November, Meerhoven is again dedicated to Halloween. Children and their parents can enjoy the horror event at various locations.
In various neighbourhoods, children dressed as scary creatures go past decorated houses for “trick or treat”. In addition, there are various Halloween activities at Shopping Center Terminal M and at Scouting Burgemeester Welschen.
Shopping center Terminal M
Wednesday, October 30, 2019 Terminal M will be transformed into a spooky square. The well-known Griezelbus is on the square. The doors of the Griezelbus are open between 12.30 and 17.00. Twelve children can go in with their parents at the same time. There are also various activities outside the bus. Check the website of shopping center Terminal M (in Dutch) or the activities calendar (in English) for more information.
Scouting Burgemeester Welschen
On Friday 1 and Saturday 2 October 2019, Halloween at Scouting Burgemeester Welschen is all about “Let’s go to the movies!”. Children can visit the scouting building on Sliffertsestraat 43 on both days from 7 pm to 9.30 pm From 8 pm it becomes really scary and a visit is only recommended for brave children. The entrance fee is 2 euro in advance (only for sale on Saturdays from 2 pm to 3 pm) or 2.50 euro at the entrance on the day of the event. See also the flyer.
In Grasrijk at least the Grashoek and a part of Grasrijk-West are devoted to Halloween (see map). Admire how creatively your neighbours have decorated their home and enjoy hair-raising moments! Children (if they are dressed up) may ring the bell at houses with a Halloween poster for “trick or treat”.
Dates and times:
- Thursday, October 31, 2019 from 6.30 to 8.30 pm (Grashoek), see www.grashoek.org (both in English and in Dutch);
- Saterday, November 2, 2019 from 7 pm in the streets Grasparkiet, Grasmus, Grasvink, Gassnip, Grassavanne (Grasrijk-West), see www.facebook.com/grasbelang (in Dutch).
Halloween has been a household name in Grasrijk-Oost for many years. No Halloween activities in Grasrijk-Oost are currently known to the editors. See also www.facebook.com/halloweengrasrijk.
Saturday, November 2, 2019 it will also be exciting in Waterrijk: for the younger children between 6.30 and 8 pm and for the older children between 8 and 9 pm. Location: Waterwijk, Waterland and Aquallure. Households that participate can be recognized by a poster.
Other Halloween activities
Are you familiar with other Halloween activities in Meerhoven? Send an e-mail toredactie@meerhoven.nl.