November 23, 2024|
  • Nederlands

Handicrafts Blinkerd Meerhoven

Would you like to have fun crafting with local residents, learn from each other and inspire each other? Then join the craft group ‘Meerhandwerken Blinkerd’ in the Zeecafé of Wooninc.Plus building De Blinkerd.

This craft group has been around for over 10 years and is an initiative of a former resident of De Blinkerd. She still works with passion and pleasure as a volunteer for the organization of this craft group. She does this together with two other volunteers. The group now has 19 active members, of which the youngest participant is 19 years old and the oldest participant is in his mid-80s.

The craft group meets on the following days:

  • Monday in odd weeks from 1.30 pm tot 4.00 pm;
  • Every Tuesday from 1.30 pm tot 4.00 pm;
  • Wednesday in even weeks from 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm;
  • Friday in even weeks from 4.00 pm to 6.30 pm.

From 10 January 2025, there will be crafts every Friday from 4.00 to 6.30 pm.

Due to the holidays, there will be no crafts on the following days: Wednesday 25 December, Friday 27 December, Monday 30 December, Tuesday 31 December, Wednesday 1 January and Friday 3 January.

Drinks and materials
Drinks are at your own expense. There are no craft materials available. You must bring your own craft supplies.

Location: Zeecafé van de Blinkerd, Graskant 11 in Eindhoven (opposite primary school ‘t Slingertouw, location Grasrijk).

More information
For more information, visit the Facebook page of Meerhandwerken Blinkerd.

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