Heart Foundation raises 2,422 euros in Meerhoven
The annual collection week of the Heart Foundation (Hartstichting) from 8 to 14 April 2018 has generated 2,422 euros in Meerhoven this year alone.
Laurie Kamerling, Head of Consciousness of the Eindhoven Heart Foundation, says: “We are proud of an annually growing yield in a young neighborhood. The Heart Foundation warmly thanks the collectors and inhabitants of Meerhoven for their contribution to the realization of a nationwide network.”
More than 32 collectors in Meerhoven went through the doors during the collection week with the collection box. With the collection proceeds 2018, the Heart Foundation contributes to the placement and registration of AEDs in public places in The Netherlands. Every year 15,000 people outside the hospital are affected by a cardiac arrest, often unexpectedly, and resuscitation and deployment of an AED within 6 minutes offers the greatest chance of survival, with a nationwide network of civilian and AEDs who are registered with the national call system Hartslag Nu, an estimated 2,500 lives can be saved annually.
More information
The Heart Foundation finances scientific research, provides information and works on innovation in care and assistance. For more information: www.hartstichting.nl (in Dutch).
Read also: Information evening ‘Eindhoven completely heart safe’.