August 18, 2019|
  • Nederlands

Information afternoon Peace Path Park Meerland

On Saturday, August 31, 2019 between 13.00 and 17.00 hours, Peace Center Foundation Eindhoven will give information about the Peace Path Park Meerland. Starting location: car park at the Zandstrand/Zandhagedis intersection.

The Peace Path Park Meerland starts near the car park at the Zandstrand/Zandhagedis intersection. The path is characterized by peace, sustainability and international solidarity. Part of the Peace Path includes a peace tree, a peace circle of stones and a labyrinth with edible, medicinal herbs and plants. During the afternoon, the foundation provides information about the Peace Path. In addition, there is the possibility to contribute by supporting the foundation financially or becoming a volunteer. Coffee and tea are available.

More information
For more information, visit

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