March 30, 2018|
  • Nederlands

Information evening about electric shared cars in Meerhoven

At the initiative of residents in Meerhoven, an information evening will take place on Monday, April 16, 2018 about the ‘buurauto’ (‘neighbour car’), an electric car that you share with your neighbors or your neighborhood . Start: 19.30. Location: Meerbos 4, Eindhoven. It is mandatory to register in advance

The electric car is experiencing a spectacular growth. There are now around 24,000 fully electric cars in the Netherlands. The number will increase rapidly, because the price will drop, the range of vehicles will increase rapidly and more and more municipalities will provide more charging stations. The buurauto is sustainable because it is 100% electric, social and reduces the parking pressure in the neighbourhood. During the information evening, the initiators want to make an inventory of whether residents in Meerhoven want to make sustainable car-sharing. The buurauto is already successful in Amersfoort, Breda, The Hague and Rotterdam.

Sign up
Residents who want to attend the information evening are requested to register in advance via a (in Dutch). For more information visit the websit (in Dutch) or contact Harry van der Kallen, phone 06 53 41 06 18.

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