• Nederlands

Information evening about heat pumps

On Tuesday, February 8, 2022, the non-profit association 040energie will organize a digital information evening about heat pumps at 8 pm.

In the Meerhoven district, heat pumps are more than topical because residents are not satisfied with the municipal heating. Municipal heating is an expensive source of heat and is not very environmentally friendly due to the burning of gas (and biomass). The heat pump can be a good and cheaper alternative. During the information evening, the advantages and disadvantages of heat pumps are discussed and practical experiences are shared.

Heat pumps
Heat pumps come in different variants. Broadly speaking, two systems are under consideration: a hybrid solution, in which part of the required heat is provided by the pumpĀ and can fall back on the district heating during peak consumption, and a fully electric solution, in which the user can be disconnected from the heat network. Both solutions have advantages and disadvantages. During the meeting, both systems will be discussed in more detail and a working demo heat pump will be available.

Participation in the information evening is free. You can register via the website of 040energie (in Dutch). After registration you will receive a link by e-mail to participate.

More information
For more information about heat pumps, visit the website of 040energie (in Dutch).

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