February 14, 2018|
  • Nederlands

Information evening ‘Eindhoven completely heart safe’

On Monday, March 26, 2018, an information evening will take place about the ‘heart safe’ status of neighbourhoods in Eindhoven. The evening will be held at the BIEB (Bewoners Inloop En Buurtcentrum) Dommelbeemd, Tarwelaan 56, in Eindhoven and starts at 20.00.

In Eindhoven a lot of effort is put in making all neighbourhoods and districts heart-safe by setting up 6-minute zones. This means that people who have a cardiac arrest are resuscitated within six minutes by volunteers who are familiar with 112. This considerably increases the chance of survival of the victim.

For a good 6-minute zone there must be enough civilian aid workers in the neighbourhood. These are residents who have a valid first aid certificate or a valid emergency or resuscitation certificate. Up to now, 127 civilian aid workers are known in Meerhoven. In addition, sufficient AEDs must be available in the district. Only two AEDs are now available in Meerhoven.

Sign up
During the information evening several speakers talk about the functioning of a 6-minute zone and experiences in neighbourhoods that are already heart-safe. On the information market stands of trainers, Hartslag.nu, AED suppliers and more are present. Registration is mandatory and can be done via the online registration form. For more information, read: ‘Help Eindhoven Hartveilig te worden!’ (in Dutch).

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