• Nederlands

Information evening Neighbourhood Watch Meerhoven

On Monday February 18, 2019, the Municipality of Eindhoven organizes an information evening on the Neighbourhood Watch from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Police, municipality and a volunteer of the Neighbourhood Watch tell what the Neighbourhood Watch does and how residents can contribute to this initiative. Location: De Hangar, Meerbos 4 in Meerhoven.

Do you want to collaborate with local residents to make your neighbourhood safer? Then the Neighbourhood Watch may be something for you. The Neighbourhood Watch keeps informal supervision in the neighbourhood and passes on irregularities to the police or municipality. There are 34 Neighbourhood Watches in Eindhoven with more than 500 volunteers working for a safe neighbourhood. In Meerhoven, no Neighbourhood Watch is currently active anymore. This is unfortunate because a Neighbourhood Watch makes the district demonstrably safer.

The municipality and police are therefore glad that a local resident has taken the initiative to see if a Neighbourhood Watch can be started up in Meerhoven. It is important that enough residents want to participate. That is why the municipality is organizing an information evening to tell residents more about the Neighbourhood Watch. The meeting will be in Dutch.

Sign up
Residents who want to attend the meeting must register in advance by sending an email to buurtpreventie@eindhoven.nl. After the meeting, residents who want to contribute to the Neighbourhood Watch in Meerhoven can sign up for a short Neighbourhood Watch course.

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