March 4, 2018|
  • Nederlands

Information meeting about Eindhoven Airport after 2020

On Saturday, March 10, 2018 association Beraad Vlieghinder Moet Minder (BVM2) organizes an information meeting about Eindhoven Airport after 2020. The meeting lasts from 11.00 to about 13.00 and takes place in community house De Leenhoef, Steenselseweg 8A in Knegsel.

In 2020 around 43,000 flight movements per year are permitted around Eindhoven Airport. This is more than a doubling compared to the year 2010 (18,000 flight movements per year). In 2020 the current agreements will expire and new rules will be drawn up. The airport wants to grow further to around 70,000 flight movements per year. However, the growth ambitions of Eindhoven Airport are at odds with the quality of life in the area. Interest groups are concerned about noise pollution, air pollution, traffic nuisance and parking problems in the residential areas around the airport. Especially now that the Ministry is having growth scenarios investigated up to 100,000 flight movements.

In order to be able to act more decisively in the run-up to the new agreements in 2020, interest groups have joined forces last year in the Beraad Vlieghinder Moet Minder (BVM2). This new partnership is committed to a better balance between the quality of the living environment and the interests of local residents on the one hand and the economic interests of Eindhoven Airport on the other.

During the information meeting Paul Peeters (lecturer from the Center for Sustainability, Transport & Tourism) talks about the limits of the growth of the recreational aviation sector. Joris Melkert (lecturer at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology) will discuss the aircraft technology in more detail. Suzanne Kröger (Member of Parliament GroenLinks) gives a presentation on the national developments around Lelystad, Schiphol and the other regional airports. Liesbeth Sjouw (Alderman Eersel, D66) talks about the Implementation Table and the ongoing process to fill in the situation from 2020 onwards. Then BVM2 will give its vision on the further development of Eindhoven Airport and a forum discussion will take place. The meeting is free and accessible to everyone. Note that the meeting is in Dutch.

More information
For more information, visit the site of BVM2 (in Dutch).

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