International Children’s Festival
On Tuesday, June 11, 2019, primary school ‘t Slingertouw is organizing an International Children’s Festival in collaboration with Korein Kinderplein childcare. Everyone is welcome.
Between 3 and 4.30 p.m. there is a market on three squares around the Grasland location where children can show what they have done and learned over the past period. Each square has a theme. There is a sports square with demonstrations and workshops from various associations from the neighbourhood. There is also a Dutch square with old-Dutch games and Dutch music. On the third square there are performances where children and parents can get acquainted with the influences from all over the world.
For the full program see the program booklet.
More information
The organization is still looking for people who can contribute during the children’s festival. For more information see the website of primary school ‘t Slingertouw (in Dutch).