June 12, 2023|
  • Nederlands

International Day of Yoga: hundreds of enthusiasts unleash their yoga spirit in Meerhoven

Yoga pose the ‘Tree-pose’, right foot on left knee, hands up and keep balance for ten counts. Balance for mind and body that’s what it’s all about during the first edition of the International Day of Yoga in Eindhoven.

It is a colorful event. The hundreds of yoga mats in all colors of the rainbow on the field at soccer club DBS in the district of Meerhoven. The International Day of Yoga is experiencing its first edition in Eindhoven on Sunday, June 11, 2023. With a thousand registrations, the event is fully booked. Here and there a mat is still free, but despite the heat the enthusiasm is great. Especially people from India are joining. After all, yoga has its origins in ancient India.

Read more on Ed.nl (in Dutch).

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