• Nederlands

Lecture about history of Meerhoven

On Sunday 27 May 2018 city archaeologist Nico Arts gives a lecture on the archeology and history of Meerhoven. The lecture will will take place from 14.00 tot 15.00 in the ‘Zeecafé’ of Wooninc.Plus building ‘De Blinkerd’, Graskant 11 in Meerhoven

Immediate reason for the lecture is the recent publication of the book ‘New people on old land, archeology, history and urbanism of Meerhoven’. The book is edited by Nico Arts and tells about the archaeological excavations that were done in Meerhoven from 2000 to 2012.

Middle Ages
During the lecture, Nico Arts takes the audience to the Middle Ages, the history of the former Welschap airport, the dark years of the Second World War, but also to the backgrounds of urban design that characterizes Meerhoven.

The lecture is an initiative of the joint residents associations in Meerhoven. Entrance is free, but interested parties must register in advance via www.meerhoven.nl/historie. Residents of Wooninc.Plus building De Blinkerd can also register with the manager. A free copy of the book will be raffled among those present. The book is also for sale in the bookstore or online via www.picturespublishers.nl/product/nieuwe-mensen-op-oud-land for € 24.95.

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