• Nederlands

LETS market in Meerhoven

Monday January 27, 2020 from 7 pm LETS Eindhoven and Duurzaam Meerhoven are organizing a LETS market in De Hangar, Meerbos 4 in Meerhoven. No registration is required and admission is free.

LETS Eindhoven has been around for more than 20 years and stands for Local Eindhoven Transaction System. It is a form of neighbour assistance. You get points for baking a cake, painting a house, translating your resume and repairing a PC. You can then take a massage for these points or have someone look after your children, etc. You can trade without having to use any money. Residents of Meerhoven are very welcome. On that evening you can see if you like the concept and become a member of LETS Eindhoven.

There is an introduction round from 8 pm. Then the attendees can philosophize on the theme of ‘Being together versus (wanting to) be alone’. “Among other things, we are talking about how we can organize things to get together. Think of game nights and a reading club,” says one of the initiators.

More information
For more information, visit www.duurzaammeerhoven.nl or www.letseindhoven.nl (both in Dutch).

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