September 9, 2023|
  • Nederlands

Meerhoven24 organizes an adventurous orienteering run: ‘You go to places where you normally don’t go’

Make your way through the park, jump over ditches and cut through bushes. Going to places you would normally pass by. It is possible on Sunday, September 10, 2023 at the Orientation Run in Meerhoven.

For many people, it doesn’t ring a bell when it comes to ‘orienteering walking’. Hanneke Hilferink from Meerhoven does. She knows better than anyone how challenging this sport is: “Orienteering is a really cool sport. Although it is still relatively unknown in the Netherlands, it is a hype in Belgium. There you can participate in a competition every weekend.” Yet it is also a serious sport in our country, with even an official association that encourages and promotes the sport; the Dutch Orienteering Association (NOLB).

Read more on (in Dutch).

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