January 11, 2020|
  • Nederlands

New in Meerhoven: meeting place for photography enthusiasts

The digital meeting place “Meerhoven Photography” is barely a day old, but can already count on great interest. More than 100 members have already registered for the platform.

“The Facebook group Meerhoven Photography is a meeting place for photography enthusiasts in Meerhoven,” says initiator Douwe Beckmann who lives in Meerhoven. “A place to show your own favorite photos, exchange tips and more.”

Beckmann had been playing with the idea of ​​getting more active with photography in Meerhoven for some time and noticed that other residents had the same need. “In the Facebook group Meerhoven Ontmoet Elkaar, I regularly see photos passing by with comments from people that they are looking for something active in the field of photography. Well, with 115 members in half a day, that also appears to be the case. I have all kinds of ideas for joint photo sessions in and around Meerhoven. But also think of photo competitions and theme assignments to be more active with photography in your spare time. And of course I am also curious about the ideas of other enthusiasts from Meerhoven!”

Sign up
Those interested can register via www.facebook.com/groups/MeerhovenPhotography for the group page ‘Meerhoven Photography’.

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