June 10, 2024|
  • Nederlands

Not 50 but 200 asylum seekers in Novotel Eindhoven: hotel can no longer be booked for guests

The reception of asylum seekers in Novotel Eindhoven will be expanded from fifty to two hundred places. The hotel is therefore fully occupied and loses its function for tourists and airport travelers.

The municipality of Eindhoven and the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) confirmed this on Monday, June 10, 2024. They have not yet announced when the new asylum seekers will arrive.

The expansion of the number of asylum places had already been announced earlier. The municipality of Eindhoven was premature in January when it announced that COA would fully rent the hotel at Eindhoven Airport. Hotel manager Jacco Smit called it nonsense at the time and said that no more asylum seekers would come. It was previously leaked via Omroep Brabant that this will happen after all. The broadcaster bases its decision on an email sent to hotel staff on Friday. Some lose their jobs. According to Omroep Brabant, the first new residents of the hotel will arrive in a week (on June 17, 2024). Local residents will be informed by letter on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

Read more on Ed.nl (in Dutch).

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