Nuisance black rats in Meerhoven

Photo by Jared Belson
Residents of the Zandroos in Meerhoven suffer from black rats and want the municipality to intervene. For the time being, the municipality only provides advice for prevention.
The Eindhovens Dagblad reports this. So far, Christine Aerts and her husband at the Zandroos, counted eight black rats in one week. They have been bothered by rats for a few months. This week, after contact with the municipality of Eindhoven, the couple got someone from KAD, the knowledge and advice center for animal pests from Wageningen. The KAD immediately lowers expectations, because active fighting is not going to be done: “We are hired to provide information about prevention. And the magic word is to work together. You can fight what you want, but if the neighbour feeds the birds, you come never get rid of the problems “.
On the website of the municipality of Eindhoven (in Dutch) you will find tips for preventing rat nuisance. To inform residents as well as possible, the municipality has also compiled flyer (in Dutch) about rats.
In other neighbourhoods in Meerhoven, residents also experience nuisance by rats. Following recent reports, Residents’ Association Meerhoven asked the municipality to what extent the neighbourhood could participate in the pilot for a collective approach to rat nuisance. According to the municipality, there are currently no more opportunities to participate. Most nuisance is currently being experienced in the Acht / Achtse Barrier neighbourhoods. See the cards below with the number of reports per neighbourhood. Residents’ Association Meerhoven keeps an eye on the number of reports.

Reports about rats Meerhoven period January-August 2019. Source:

Reports about rats Eindhoven period January-December 2019. Source:

Reports about rats Eindhoven period January-December 2019. Source: