September 11, 2021|
  • Nederlands

Peace meeting in Meerland Park

Sunday September 19, 2021 the Platform Philosophy of Life and Peace Eindhoven region organizes in cooperation with the Peace Foundation Eindhoven a peace meeting in Park Meerland.

The meeting is part of the Peace Week 2021 and will take place at the Peace Circle at the Peace Path in Park Meerland. The platform calls for people to come together there for conversation, music, ritual, a walk, a sandwich and drink, information, meditation and meeting around the theme “what is peace?”. Everyone is welcome. The programme will last about one hour. Participation is free and no registration is needed. The applicable coronation rules will be observed.

Peace Circle
The Peace Circle can be found on Google Maps and is easily accessible by bicycle and on foot. A car park is located 150 metres to the north. Those who wish to walk to the peace circle under supervision can join a group that departs from 10.40 from De Hangar, Meerbos 4, Eindhoven.

More information
For more information, please visit (in Dutch).

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