June 16, 2020|
  • Nederlands

Plan for FeelGood Park in Meerhoven is canceled: no loan by corona

The catering industry is struggling during the corona crisis. Existing restautants are in danger of dying and new initiatives will be canceled. Such as the FeelGood Park in Meerhoven.

Priya van Breugel and Advait Bryers pursued their dream for more than six years: a restaurant with a terrace on the water’s edge in Meerhoven, with the alternative hippie atmosphere of their Feelgood Market on Strijp-S. Two lawsuits against the plans were conducted and won. The building permit had to be waited for a while, but it also came around in November last year.

“We were about to start. And so was the contractor. Construction would take six months,” says Van Breugel. But it is difficult to cope with the corona virus and its economic consequences. Ultimately, the planners did not get the loan from the bank. The application was put on hold as early as March. “The bank’s approver was ultimately unable to sign it because of all the uncertainty. Very unfortunate,” says Van Breugel.

Read more at Ed.nl (in Dutch).

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