March 4, 2018|
  • Nederlands

Planting and pruning in ‘Edible Park Meerland’

fruit-tree-715103_960_720On Saturday, March 10, 2018, the Edible Park Meerland working group will be working on planting and pruning fruit trees and bushes in Park Meerland. Residents who want to roll up their sleeves and want to help are most welcome.

In Park Meerland there are fruit trees and bushes that have to be pruned. The tree mirrors must also be enlarged and be provided with biologically fertilized soil. Dead hedges are made of the cut branches. Dead hedge create nesting opportunities for birds and protect small mammals, amphibians and insects. Furthermore, the working group will plant fruit trees, berry bushes and rose hips.

Time, location and sign up
The work will take place on Saturday 10 March 2018 between 10.00 and 14.00. Gather at the parking lot at the Zandstrand in the extension of the Zandhagedis. Bring a scoop and in wet weather boots and rain gear. You can sign up by sending an email to The working group then provides drinks and a sandwich.

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