Political debate in Meerhoven
With the upcoming municipal elections, residents’ associations in Meerhoven organize a political debate on Thursday 15 March 2018. The meeting will take place in De Hangar, Meerbos 4 in Eindhoven and lasts from 20.00 to about 22.00. Everyone is welcome, but registration in advance is necessary.
Almost all political parties are represented during this evening: PvdA, D66, VVD, SP, OuderenAppèl, CDA, GroenLinks, Brede Beweging LinksOm, LPF and the ChristenUnie. The parties debate with each other about subjects that play in Meerhoven. Themes include the (parking) nuisance caused by Eindhoven Airport, the school situation, internationalization, facilities and sustainability. The public will also be involved in the discussion.
The hall is open from 19.30. The debate starts at 20.00. After the debate (about 22.00) there is an opportunity to chat with each other. Please note that the debate is in Dutch.
Sign up
Due to the limited room capacity, interested parties must register in advance via www.meerhoven.nl/politiekdebat (in Dutch).