March 31, 2018|
  • Nederlands

Powerwalk with ‘De Meerstappers’

Seniors who want to exercise sportily and also enjoy socializing can join the Powerwalk group ‘De Meerstappers’ every Tuesday at 10.30 am.

Power walking is a sport that has come over from America and is between walking and running. Power walking performed at a strong pace typically between 6 and 9 kilometers per hour. You also do stretching and stretching exercises in between.

Time and location
De Meerstappers start every Tuesday at 10.30 from De Hangar, Meerbos 4 in Eindhoven. Afterwards, they drink a cup of coffee together somewhere.

For registration and more information contact Jos Oosterhuis (phone: 06 10 386 024, e-mail: or Jan Weijters (phone: 06 53 415 246, e-mail:

Please note: this article was published on March 31, 2018. Please contact the contacts above for current times.

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