Powerwalk with Meerhoven Old Stars
On Tuesday 12 December 2017 at 10.30 am Meerhoven Old Stars starts with a new initiative: Powerwalk. Under the guidance of an experienced coach, people over 55 excercise together in Sportpark Meerhoven and Park Meerland.
Power walking is a sport that has come over from America and is between walking and running. Power walking performed at a strong pace typically between 6 and 9 kilometers per hour. You also do stretching and stretching exercises in between.
Those who would like to get acquainted with this sport can take part free of charge on Tuesday 12 December. The activity starts at 10.30 am at football club DBS, Het Schaapsdijk 109 in Meerhoven. Because of the organization, those who are interested are asked to register in advance with Antoon Hermsen, e-mail: ajhhermsen@on.nl.