November 11, 2018|
  • Nederlands

Seniors weeks at Artisport

From Monday 12 to Friday, November 23, 2018, Fitness Center Artisport organizes the second edition of the SeniorsWeek in collaboration with Physiotherapy De Ligt and Remedica.

For two weeks, seniors can participate for free with about 30 activities related to staying fit and healthy. There are various senior fitness programs and there is a fall prevention workshop. In addition, there are informative lectures about nutrition and exercise. Seniors who want to know how fit and healthy they are can participate in a free ‘inbody measurement’ including additional training advice.

For the full program, visit the Artisport website (in Dutch). The activities take place both on location Meerhoven (Eindhoven) and location Veldhoven.

Sign up
Interested parties can register via e-mail ( of or by phone via 040 20 29 491. All activities are free for both members and non-members of Artisport.

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