January 14, 2019|
  • Nederlands

Spanish lessons for beginners in Meerhoven

From 6 February 2019, language school ¡Adelante! provides Spanish lessons for beginners in De Hangar in Meerhoven.

Patricia Hoevenaars from language school ¡Adelante!: “I am a teacher in Spanish and Dutch. I have gained experience in primary to adult education. At the end of last year I started my own language school. Language connects people. How cool is it if you can communicate in that beautiful language spoken by millions of people? Meerhoven is the ideal place where many languages ​​and many cultures come together and live together.”

The weekly Spanish for beginners classes start on Wednesday 6 February from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. The location is De Hangar, Meerbos 4 in Eindhoven. The costs are 150 euros for 10 lessons. A free trial lesson is possible without any obligation. From May ¡Adelante! starts with multiple level groups and with Spanish lessons for children.

More information
For more information and registration see the website spaanslereneindhoven.nl (in Dutch). E-mail: info@spaanslereneindhoven.nl. Phone 06 22 15 66 66.

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