December 6, 2020|
  • Nederlands

Start campaign “Report fireworks nuisance”

The municipality of Eindhoven will start the ‘Report fireworks nuisance’ campaign on December 7, 2020. A national fireworks ban will apply for the coming turn of the year.

Eindhoven residents who nevertheless experience fireworks nuisance can report the nuisance up to and including 10 January 2021 via the BuitenBeter App or by telephone via 14040. Always call 112 for serious damage and/or physical injury.

Fireworks ban
A national fireworks ban will apply for the coming turn of the year. In this way, the cabinet wants to avoid extra pressure on care and enforcement. Only fireworks from the so-called F-1 category, such as stars and pop peas, may still be set off.

You can report from 7 December to 10 January via the BuitenBeter App or by telephone via 14040 (on working days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). The BuitenBeter App is free to download. Always call 112 for serious damage and/or physical injury. Is there no urgency? Then call 0900 8844.

Number of reports last year
In the run-up to the turn of the year, the municipality also set up a reporting point for fireworks nuisance last year. These reports show that the nuisance experienced is spread fairly evenly across the city. A total of 1,340 residents reported nuisance 2,100 times. Based on the reports from last year and this year, the municipality will take a position on how Eindhoven deals with fireworks. This in relation to the national fireworks policy.

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