Understanding from environment for decision to house asylum seekers at Noord Brabantlaan
The intention of the municipality of Eindhoven to house 200 asylum seekers from the beginning of next month next to the winter emergency shelter for the homeless on Noord Brabantlaan can, for the time being, be understood in the immediate area.
“We understand the national discussion and are all familiar with the images from Ter Apel, so we also think it is important that asylum seekers are well accommodated,” responds Ruben Trieling, chairman of the Residents’ Association Meerhoven. According to Trieling, the experiences that have now been gained with emergency winter shelter provide ‘a good basis for assuming that housing for asylum seekers will also be properly arranged in the future’. “It is important that these people feel welcome.” Trieling would like to point out that he speaks on behalf of the board. “Because what our members think about it remains to be seen. We don’t know that yet.” Chairman Rinus van Dinter of the Zeelst Neighbourhood Platform also responds with understanding to the Eindhoven plan. “We just know that it is necessary, there is little you can do about it. I also think that it will be well arranged, given the experiences with the winter emergency shelter.”
Read more at Ed.nl (in Dutch).
Read also: Emergency crisis shelter for asylum seekers in Meerhoven, expanded shelter in Novotel.