Voting Guide Meerhoven
Wednesday 16 March 2022 is the election date for the municipal council. But also on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 March, you can go to the ballot box. In Eindhoven, seventeen parties are participating this time. To help Meerhoven residents in their choice, Residents’ Association Meerhoven asked all parties seven questions.
These questions are about current themes in Meerhoven, such as the shopping centre, the proposed police facility and Eindhoven Airport. Twelve parties responded. You can find the answers in the Voting Guide Meerhoven.
More information
For other themes, visit StemWijzer Eindhoven. More information about the elections, including the party programmes, can be found on the website of the municipality of Eindhoven.
In Meerhoven, you can vote at two locations: De Hangar (Meerbos 4) and Sportpark Meerhoven (Het Schaapsdijk 109). At De Hangar you can vote on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7.30 till 21.00 hrs. The polling station in Sportpark Meerhoven is open on Wednesday from 7.30 to 21.00 hrs.