Walking Football Tournament at DBS
On Friday, March 29, 2019, Football Club DBS is organizing a Walking Football tournament for people over 60. The kick-off will be done by Phillip Cocu, former trainer and player of PSV. Everyone is welcome and the entrance is free. Location: Sportpark Meerhoven, Het Schaapsdijk 109 in Meerhoven.
The tournament is opened at 9.45 am by Philip Cocu. The closing will take place at 3.15 pm with the presentation of the Fairplay Cup. 16 Walking Football teams are participating in the tournament, including DBS OldStars. Joop Spijker, on behalf of the organizing committee: “The past two years, DBS Oldstars participated in variousĀ tournaments. Now it is time to organize our own tournament. The tournament is also a great opportunity for people over 60 to get acquainted with Walking Football in general and DBS OldStars in particular.”
DBS Oldstars
DBS Oldstars currently has 29 members. The group started at PSV in 2016 and then moved on to DBS in almost the same composition. The fixed training day is on Wednesday from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. Hein Meurs, who takes care of the PR of the tournament: “Soccer skill is not a requirement, having fun exercising together and the social aspect are the most important pillars on which Walking Football relies. We do, however, ensure responsible coaching in terms of training structure and physical fitness, also with the help of a physiotherapist. The training is provided by Peter Cocu, the father of Philip Cocu.”
More information
For more information about the Walking Football tournament see the program booklet (in Dutch) or contact Joop Spijker, email joopspijker88@gmail.com, phone 06 53 844 419. Information about DBS Oldstars and Walking Football in general can be obtained via vvdbsoldstars@gmail.com.