October 30, 2023|
  • Nederlands

Winter emergency shelter and pilot shelter for homeless EU migrant workers at Trade Forum

The municipality of Eindhoven has decided to realize an emergency shelter for homeless people also this winter at Trade Forum, the vacant lot behind P+R Meerhoven. In addition, the municipality is starting a pilot with short-term shelter for homeless EU migrant workers in a smaller pavilion next to the winter emergency shelter. This pilot will start in November and last until August 2024.

The winter emergency shelter has room for a maximum of 70 homeless people from the Eindhoven region. The shelter opens when the perceived temperature drops below freezing. This is usually in November. Between 4 pm and 8 am, homeless people can sleep, shower and get a simple meal here. The winter emergency shelter will remain in place until it no longer freezes at night. This is usually around the end of March.

Pilot small-scale short-term shelter
In addition, the municipality is starting a pilot with short-term shelter for homeless EU migrant workers in a smaller pavilion next to the winter emergency shelter. There is room for 10 to 15 homeless migrant workers who can also stay here during the day. The purpose of the shelter is for this group to relax, take a step towards work, or initiate a return to the country of origin. In this shelter they receive extra support to get their lives back on track. A stay can last from a few days to a maximum of six weeks. This pilot starts in November and lasts until August 2024. The Salvation Army is responsible for the implementation of this shelter.

The municipality takes various measures to limit nuisance. A management group was established last year, which will remain active this year. The management group consists of local residents, the municipality’s area coordinator, police, Springplank040, Salvation Army, representatives of the municipality of Veldhoven and members of Residents’ Associations Meerhoven and Mooi Zeelst. Other measures include 24-hour security on location, the presence of police and enforcement in the area and the deployment of a surveillance vehicle before and after opening hours, which actively addresses homeless people when necessary. There is extra effort to clean up litter around the location. The municipality is also including last year’s experiences in the plans.

Additional shelter
There is a shortage of housing in Eindhoven, including shelters for vulnerable people
target audiences. That is why the municipality is considering additional shelter at Trade Forum for the next two years. The municipality will make a decision about this later.

More information
Residents living in the immediate vicinity have received a Wijkinfo (in Dutch). For more information, visit the website www.eindhoven.nl/winternoodopvang (in Dutch).

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