Work on the last bridge at park Meerland
Next month the realization of the last big bridge (B5) in Park Meerland will start. The bridge will act as a cycling and walking connection between Waterrijk and the center of Meerhoven. The bridge will be opened in mid-2021.
The concrete structure on which the bridge will be laid is now ready. In the week of 9 September 2019 the bridge will be delivered to the work location in 14 parts. As the bridge sections are only allowed to be transported at night, residents may see some trucks driving in the park in the early mornings of that week.
The assembly of the bridge sections will start on Tuesday 10 September 2019. This work is expected to take a few days. The bridge deck, the subsequent paving and the wear layer are then applied. The application of the wear layer is highly weather dependent. Work on the bridge is expected to be completed in November 2019.
Opening bridge
Cyclists and pedestrians who want to use the bridge have to be patient however. The bridge will only be opened in the spring of 2021. Contractor Huybregts-Relou will start construction of apartment complex C3 at the beginning of November 2019. Because this building will be close to the bridge, it is not safe to open the bridge during construction work. This is only possible when apartment complex C3 is ready.
More information
For questions and more information, please Tim Hermans, implementation coordinator of the Municipality of Eindhoven, tel: 040 238 2291 of For questions about the construction of residential tower B7 en/of apartment complex C3 can be found on the website of Ten Brinke.
Source: District information Municipality of Eindhoven (in Dutch).