• Nederlands

Workshop about work and private balance

On Tuesday, May 7 and 14, 2019, Childcare Klokje Rond organizes a workshop ‘Work and family in balance’ from 7.30 pm to 10 pm in collaboration with Kids & Work.

Kids & Work is an organization that assists employers and their employees in the demanding combination of work and parenthood. Many parents struggle with their work/private balance. The workshop is aimed at parents who want to successfully combine career and child(ren). During the evening insights and awareness about work/private dilemmas will be discussed. Parents also receive tips and tools to independently identify and address pitfalls. Other topics are: creating and maintaining a balance between work and family and applying focus in a 24/7 society and mentality.

Costs and registration
Participation costs € 19.95 per person. You can register via www.klokjerond.nl/workshop-kids-work (in Dutch).

The workshop on Tuesday May 7 is being organized at Childcare Klokje Rond, Houtwal 2 in Veldhoven. The same workshop will be organized on Tuesday May 14 at Childcare Het Witte Wiel, Provincialeweg 4 in Veldhoven. Doors open at 7 pm. The workshop starts at 7.30 pm.

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